

Qur’an memorization is one of the noblest of endeavors. As Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “The best among you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.” (Sahih Al Bukhari)

IOU’s Ijaazah in Quran memorization is a one-on-one (not in a group) program with male teachers for brothers and female teachers for sisters according to a schedule that students choose.

Upon successful completion of the program, the student will receive an Ijaazah in the Quran memorization and a certificate (optional) for two poems upon memorizing/studying: Tuhfat ul-Atfal and Al-Jazariyyah.

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Ijaazah Program

Earning the Ijaazah has never been so easy. You can do that now from the comfort of your home.

Attested Certification

Successful students receive two attested certificates: an Ijaazah in Quran Memorization and a Certificate upon the memorization of poems: Tuhfat ul-Atfal and Al-Jazariyyah.

Study With Professionals

The Ijaazah students are assigned only the most qualified and experienced Huffaz.
Flexible Study


Study from any place around the world and select a schedule that suits you best.